Soprano Titanium laser hair removal after care
Avoid the sun 2 days before and after treatment.
You must avoid bleaching, plucking or waxing hair for 2 weeks prior to treatment.
Do not use Depilatory creams.
If have had a history of cold sores, zovirax may be used prior to treatment and continued one week after treatment.
The use of tanning cream must be discontinued four weeks before treatment.
Please shave the area the day before or morning before the treatments as the area must be smooth.
Immediately after treatment, there may be redness and swelling on the treatment area, this may feel like mild sunburn, this does normally subside after the treatment at most 24 hours after.
The application of iced water during the first few hours after treatment will reduce any discomfort.
The application of aloe vera gel can be used at home for comfort.
Makeup may be used immediately after the treatment unless there is epidermal blistering.
Avoid sun exposure for 2 days to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation or darker pigmentation. Use sunscreen SPF 30 or greater at all times throughout the course of treatment.
Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin. Do not use any other hair removal treatment methods (waxing, electrolysis or tweezing) that will disturb the hair follicle at the treatment area for 4-6 weeks after treatment. Shaving or depilatories may be used.
Hair regrowth occurs at different rates on different areas of the body. New hair growth will not occur for at least three weeks after treatment.
Anywhere from 5-20 days after the treatment, shedding of the surface hair may occur and this appears as new hair growth. This is not new hair growth.
You can clean and remove the hair by washing or wiping the area with a wet cloth or Loofah sponge.
After the underarms are treated, use a powder, instead of deodorant, for 24 hours after the treatment to reduce skin irritation.
Avoid hot baths and heat treatments and treat the skin gently, as if you had sunburn, for the first 24 hours.
No fake tan on the treatment area for two weeks after the treatment.
Any questions or worries you may have please contact the clinic on:
01444215318 or email
- Auto-Immune Diseases – including Lupus, Scleroderma, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lichen Planus
- Bacterial or Viral Infection – DO NOT TREAT until fully healed
- Cold Sore / HPV – wait until fully healed before you can treat / if patients is prone to cold sores they can be activated through the thermal trauma caused by laser
- Diabetes – is contraindicated unless blood sugar levels are controlled with oral medication & have a letter of confirmation from GP that you are ok to treat / DO NOT TREAT if insulin dependent
- Eczema, Psoriasis or Skin Condition On Treatment Area – Do not treat over the area.
- Epilepsy – DO NOT TREAT (if light sensitive); if stress-induced wait 12 months since the last seizure and obtain a letter from GP to confirm
- Keloid – DO NOT TREAT
- Melasma – avoid the affected area
- Moles / Raised Lesion / Any Unidentified Lesion – avoid treating directly over (white pencil marking does not stop the laser from penetrating)
- Reduced Sensation / Paralysis In The Treatment Area
- Severe Dermatitis / Dryness
- Systemic Cancer – wait 5 years post-remission + obtain a letter from their Oncologist.
- Skin Cancer
- Thrombosis / Thrombocytosis / DVT / Any Blood Clotting or Blood Thinning Conditions
- Vitiligo
- Hair Colour – very blonde, red, grey, and white hair does respond to SHR hair removal treatment
- Pregnancy / IVF
- If you are taking photosensitive or prescriptive medication, contact the clinic before to make sure you can proceed.
- No fake tan on the area, this will result in you being turned away.
SkinPen Aftercare
Do use the remaining HG lift that your practitioner will have given to you and the day after treatment use the Rescue product to calm and soothe
Do resume normal skincare after 24 hours, please note the skin will feel tight and extra thirsty.
Do Keep out of the sun on the day of treatment and for the following 24 hours also.
Do use sunscreen factor 50 and keep out of direct sunlight to maximise long term results
Do have a clean pillowcase on your bed and use clean towels.
Don’t touch the skin unnecessarily immediately post treatment this will be important to avoid any post treatment infection.
Don’t apply makeup for 24 hours post treatment.
Don’t use harsh perfumed, astringent, AHA or alcohol containing products in the area for 24-48 hours post treatment.
Don’t go swimming or in chlorinated water for 4-5 days post treatment and please
Don’t engage in any heavy exercise sessions for 24-48 hours after treatment.
Don’t have any other clinical treatments for 1-4 weeks post treatment. Speak to your practitioner for exact advice on how best to combine other treatments you may be having or may want to start having.
Don’t shave or use any after-shave type products over the area that has been treated for 12-48 hours post treatment.
Don’t allow any pets to lick you face.
Any questions or worries you may have please contact the clinic on:
01444215318 or email
Soprano Titanium skin tightening after care
Please avoid any strenuous exercise directly before treatment as this may increase your baseline temperature.
Please ensure you drink 1 liter of water prior to treatment.
Please avoid excessive food intake for 3 hours before treatment as doing so may lead to treatment being uncomfortable.
Immediately after treatment, there may be redness and swelling at the treatment area, this may feel like mild sunburn
Avoid hot baths and heat treatments and treat the skin gently, as if you had sunburn, for the first 24 hours.
Drink 1-2 liters of water post treatment.
Any questions or worries you may have please contact the clinic on:
01444215318 or email
pHformula Resurfacing after care
• Exercise for 24-72 hours post peel, depending on the strength of treatment.
• Steam and hot water.
• Waxing and the use of depilatories for 3-5 days post peel.
• Laser treatments and microdermabrasion for 3 weeks post peel.
• Swimming and sauna use for at least 7 days post peel.
Vigorously rub the skin.
• Use a mechanical scrub.
• Pick at any flaking or sloughing, as this may cause scarring.
Your practitioner will have recommended after care products designed to work in harmony with the peels you are having and it is very important to follow the skin care routine that has been discussed.
You may gently apply mineral make-up post treatment, or apply your normal make-up 24 hours post procedure.
The side effects created are rare and mild in nature, and are normally a direct result of the effect of the peel, such as itching caused by the regeneration of new skin cells taking place. You can control your itching in a variety of ways, a cold compress will soothe the skin, and in extreme cases an antihistamine from your pharmacy may help.
If you experience any of these or other symptoms, please contact us at your earliest opportunity for advice and support.
Any questions or worries you may have please contact the clinic on:
01444215318 or email
Cryotherapy Aftercare
Cryotherapy treatments are safe and effective, with excellent results. However, aftercare for the areas treated is also important for you to achieve the best possible outcome.
There are few things, which can affect the outcome. Generally, the treatment will go smoothly and there will be no problems.
Treatment is usually painless, or with slight discomfort, initially immediately after the treatment has been applied you may get any of the following which will have been explained to you when you signed the consent form.
Redness due to the initial inflammation, this is normal and is part of the healing process. The area may also be slightly raised.
You may get a small dry scab, do not pick or pull the scab. Allow it to come away by itself.
Itching may occur, usually within a few minutes of treatment. It usually lasts only a few minutes but may last up to ½ an hour. It is due to release of histamine, and is totally normal in treatment of this kind.
Blisters may form with any treatment to the skin and can happen to anyone. Any blisters which do form, may last just a few hours or a few days dependent on the location that has been treated. Blistering may occur after treatment of any type of lesion. Any blistering will not affect the outcome of the treatment.
If blistering does occur, it is regarded as a normal occurrence – Do not pop the blister; it will go down on its own.
Should it burst, use an alcohol-free wipe to clean the area, and apply a smear of antiseptic cream. It may also be covered with a dressing/plaster.
Scratch or pick the treated area this will cause the area to take longer to heal and may cause damage to the skin.
Use scrubs on the area, as this will damage the surface of the skin.
Most healing is straightforward and occurs without problem.
Most healing will take place in 4 to 6 weeks, however it may sometimes take longer than this, as all skin varies, and can take longer to regenerate.
Any treatments that take longer than 6 weeks to heal may need to be reviewed by your GP or clinic nurse.
If your immune system is compromised, you may still have treatment, BUT healing may take longer, and you may require further treatment.
If the area treated is tanned, the treatment will remove the tanning and the skin will need to re-pigment to the tanned colour. The small dry crusting that forms should come away after 4 weeks, if not please wait until it has done so before contacting the clinic/salon.
During the healing time you may shower/wash as normal and use your usual cosmetics, including makeup, deodorants and moisturising creams.
These will turn darker from the base and will dry up and fall off as the skin heals beneath them over 1 to 6 weeks.
Larger tags may need a second treatment.
If the tag becomes sore or rubs against clothing it may be covered with a dressing or plaster.
These are generally small superficial cysts filled with keratin they usually flatten and vanish with a single treatment and require no aftercare.
Follow the advice for blisters should one form
The area will often become red and raised and will go down after a few hours. The pigment will then become darker, and a dry crust will form.
When the crust falls away the new skin beneath is pink and shiny, this is NOT scarring. It is important at this stage that you use sun block minimum factor 50 to prevent the pigmentation returning
The area will often become red and raised and will go down after a few hours.
The lesion will shrink away and slowly vanish over 2 to 6 weeks
As these are viral infections they may need more than one treatment to destroy the infected cells
The second treatment can be completed 4 weeks after the first
If you see black spots in the wart or verruca then it is dyeing away and should disappear over the next few weeks
There is no specific aftercare.
Follow the advice for blisters should one form
These may only be treated by a medically qualified practitioner.
Following treatment, the mole will darken and crust over.
As the fine crust slowly comes away the tissue will shrink and be paler than surrounding
It will slowly blend into the normal pigment colour of the skin over the next few weeks
It is important that you use sun block to prevent the skin from pigmenting dark again
These lesions may only be treated by a medically qualifies practitioner
Following treatment, they will crust and darken
As they heal the crusting may come away in patches
The new tissue will come through paler than surroundings and requires sun block to protect from pigmenting darker.
It is important that you use sun block (factor 50) following treatment of any pigmented lesions to prevent them re-pigmenting. You may continue to wash, bathe and shower as normal. Pat the area dry afterwards, do not rub dry. You may continue to use cosmetics and deodorants and perfume as normal. If the treated area is weeping 2 weeks after treatment contact your clinic or salon for advice. If you do not understand any of this information, please contact the clinic.
Vasuclase Thread vein removal After Care
- Do not use products containing retinol or strong AHA fruit acids on the treatment area prior to your treatment. We would recommend stopping the products 10 days prior
- Avoid any heat on the skin on the day of treatment
- Where necessary, shave the area prior to treatment
- Do not sunbathe; use sunbeds or use self-tanning products on treatment area 4 weeks prior to and 4 weeks after treatment.
- To prevent Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) it is recommended for skin types III, IV, V and VI to use Lightening Serums to inhibit melanin production, these can be purchased from the clinic.
- When working around the mouth and client is prone to cold sores, anti-viral creams/medication are recommended at least 2 days prior to treatment and recommended for at least 1 week after treatment.
- No hot baths or showers –tepid only.
- Avoid touching or scratching the area.
- No exfoliating products to be used on treatment area for 4 weeks.
- If scabbing appears, this needs to be left to heal naturally and must not be picked off.
- No Spa treatments i.e. saunas and steam rooms, swimming or Jacuzzi until skin normalises.
- No deodorant, perfumes or scented body lotions/creams to be applied on treatment area for 24 hours.